Social media José María Méndez, patron saint of the foundation YIELDS, has participated in the celebration of its XXIII Congress 28 November 2024
Social media What are the priorities of the CECA sector ahead of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union? 22 June 2023
Social media José Hidalgo, president of ADESP, discusses CECA's "Financial education for athletes" course on Radio Marca 11 October 2022
Social media Do you plan to invest? The CNMV and Nachter give you advice on how to avoid financial fraud 7 October 2022
Social media Ona Carbonell talks about the Obra Social work undertaken by the CECA sector in 2021 31 March 2022
Social media Ona Carbonell presents the CECA Obra Social and Financial Education Awards 2019-2020 25 June 2021