What we do

What we do

Our activity is divided into four main areas:

Institutional representation

As set forth in its Articles of Association, a major part of CECA's activity is focused on representing and defending the interests of its member entities. For this purpose, it is present in many national and international forums.

Its functions include dialogue with national and international public administrations, parliamentary groups, trade union organisations, other business and social organisations and the media.

One of CECA's main strengths is the level of technical knowledge of its representatives in the different institutions and forums in which it participates.

Click here to learn about national, internal and international representative activity.

Economic and regulatory analysis

CECA undertakes in-depth and continuous monitoring of the economic and financial framework, both nationally and internationally, with special emphasis on banking, in order to offer its member entities a global and up-to-date overview of the environment in which they operate.

Our sector in figures

Sustainability and Obra Social

Obra Social0 million euros
December 2023
Activities 0
December 2023
Payees 0 million people
December 2023

Worker representation

CECA, as the umbrella association of savings banks and other savings institutions, has as its objective the defence of its member entities.

On 3 December 2020, the Resolution of the Directorate General of Labour, of 23 November, was published in the Official State Gazette, recording and publishing the collective bargaining agreement for savings banks and financial institutions.

The 2019-2023 collective bargaining agreement (Catalan, Basque and Galician) was the first state-wide sectoral agreement to regulate telework and digital disconnection.

CECA adopts as a fundamental principle and standard of behaviour in its activities the most absolute respect for the personality and independence of its members.

Labour Relations Committee

The Labour Relations Committee is the representative body for its members. The financial institutions linked to the Collective agreement of savings banks and financial institutions are part of the Committee of Labour Relations: CaixaBank, Unicaja Banco, Abanca Corporación Bancaria, Ibercaja Banco, Cajasur Banco, Caja de Ahorros y Monte de Piedad de Ontinyent – Caixa Ontinyent, Colonya Caixa d’Estalvis de Pollença and Cecabank.

Calle Caballero de Gracia No. 28-30, 4ª PlantaMadrid (28013).
E-mail: ceca.patronal@ceca.es
Telephone: 682589821 / 606523542