About us

About us

Our mission

CECA is a banking association committed to representing, defending and promoting its member entities' interests.

It provides them with advice and supports them in their endeavour to offer services that promote financial inclusion and access to credit. This work is undertaken with a sustainable approach, notably featuring Obra Social and financial education.

CECA is an active member of the international associations that represent the retail banking model which prioritises financing for families and SMEs, a model with which CECA's member entities are fully identified with.

Isidro Fainé Casas CECA's Chairman

The model that identifies all entities of the World Savings and Retail Banking Institute (WSBI) is characterised by the so-called 3Rs.


Isidro Fainé is chairman of WSBI and chairman of the Social Board and Philanthropic of WSBI.


Focused on the financing of families and SMEs

Rooted/Taken root

Rooted in the community. Linked and committed to the development of the territories in which they operate

Responsible/People in charge

Identified with Obra Social and sustainability