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- CECA Historical Archive
CECA Historical Archive
The CECA Historical Archive is home to a valuable and extensive collection of documents generated by the activities undertaken by CECA since its founding in 1928.
It also houses collections produced by savings banks, banks, mounts of piety and foundations, national and international institutions and organisations, as well as the public administration, related to the CECA sector. The archive also has a photographic collection, a sound and audiovisual collection, and an iconographic collection. Among the other materials stored there, we can find: posters, brochures, savings books, piggy banks and sheet music.
The CECA Historical Archive is a banking archive and is a source of reference information that provides an insight into the economic and financial history of Spain.
On the occasion of its 90th anniversary, in 2018 CECA inaugurated the virtual exhibition 'Learn to save: teaching how to save, a source of financial education', showcasing an important part of the collections housed by the CECA Historical Archive.

Services for researchers
Research assistance service
The archive provides advice to researchers on searching for and locating documents and personalised guidance on the documentary and bibliographic collections in its custody.
The archive provides digital copies of the documents, provided that the conditions of confidentiality, conservation and format allow it.
Conditions and requirements
Access is restricted and is dictated by the confidential nature and the state of preservation of the documents.
The documentation can be consulted subject to a reasoned request and the completion of an access form. The visit to view the documentation will be arranged in advance by the archive staff; it will be possible on presentation of the National Identity Card or passport.
Historical library
The CECA Historical Archive has a Historical Library, which offers an important bibliographic heritage specialising in the history of savings banks and mounts of piety, Obra Social, and the Spanish financial system in general.
The CECA Historical Archive is a member of the Bank of Spain's Working Group on Historical Banking Archives. In collaboration with its Archives and Document Management Division, the Guide on Historical Banking Archives in Spain was published in 2019, which brings together information on the main Spanish banking archives in a single compilation.