
CECA's institutional commitments are materialised through membership of various initiatives and collaboration with national and international organisations, as well as through securing various certificates and awards.

World Savings and Retail Banking Institute

CECA is a member of the World Savings and Retail Banking Institute (WSBI), an international association representing the interests of almost 6,000 banks from 80 countries on all continents, where CECA holds the presidency.

European Savings and Retail Banking Group

CECA is a member of the European Savings and Retail Banking Group (ESBG), representing the sector by helping savings and retail banks in 18 European countries to strengthen their focus on serving society and boosting SMEs. CECA holds the vice presidency of ESBG.

Centre for Responsible and Sustainable Finance

Finresp is the Spanish Centre for Responsible and Sustainable Finance. It was created with the goal of addressing the difficulties and needs of the business fabric and, in particular, Spanish SMEs to contribute positively to the commitments of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainability and the Sustainable Development Goals - which gives it its structure-, as well as the mandate of the Paris Agreement.

United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative

CECA supports the Principles for Responsible Banking of the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI).

Spanish Network of the United Nations Global Compact

CECA is a member of the Spanish Network of the UN Global Compact and therefore works to promote sustainability and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

UN Climate Change Conference

Within the framework of COP25, held in Madrid in 2019, we presented the joint agreement of the main Spanish banks to reduce the carbon footprint of their credit portfolios in order to align with the objectives of the Paris Agreement.

National Financial Education Plan

CECA has collaborated with the National Financial Education Plan, promoted by the Bank of Spain and the National Securities Market Commission, as well as the General Secretariat of the Treasury and Financial Policy and the Directorate General for Insurance and Pension Funds, since its inception in 2008.

Finance for All

CECA, AEB and UNACC have received the "Finanzas para Todos 2022" (Finance for All) award for their Financial and Digital Classroom platform. CECA and Funcas also received this award in 2019.

Funcas Financial Education Stimulus Programme

Initiative aimed at financing projects that contribute to improving the level and quality of financial education in Spain developed by CECA's member entities, either directly or through their associated foundations.

Financial education for athletes

This initiative has the support of the Higher Sports Council (CSD) and PROAD, as well as the participation of three federations (Football, Swimming and Athletics) and the Spanish Sports Association (ADESP). Through this project, athletes are provided with the necessary financial knowledge to learn how to manage their personal finances during their sporting career and in retirement.

European Energy Efficiency Financing Coalition

CECA is part of the European Energy Efficiency Financing Coalition, of the Directorate General of Energy of the European Commission, strengthening its commitment with the energetic transition and with the joint work in international wide-ranging initiatives, looking for always a responsible development and sustainable.

Carolina Foundation

CECA is an institutional patron of the Carolina Foundation, an institution that promotes cultural relations and cooperation in educational and scientific affairs between Spain and countries of the Latin American Community of Nations and with other countries with special historical, cultural and geographical links.

European Banking Institute

CECA is a supporting member of the European Banking Institute (EBI), an international centre for banking research in which various prestigious European academic institutions collaborate to produce studies of the highest quality in the fields of banking regulation and supervision in Europe.

Institute for International Finance

CECA is a member of the Institute for International Finance (IIF), a global financial association whose mission is to support the financial sector in prudent risk management, to develop sound industry practices, and to advocate regulatory, financial and economic policies that are in the general interest of its members and that promote global financial stability and sustainable economic growth.

Friends of the Prado Museum Foundation

CECA is part of the Friends of the Prado Museum Foundation, a non-profit private cultural institution. This patronage contributes to the conservation, study and dissemination of the rich heritage housed in one of the world's most important museums: the Prado.

Foundation for Law and Business Research (FIDE)

CECA is a member of the Business Advisory Board of FIDE, a legal and economic think-tank whose vocation is to be a meeting place for companies, the public administration and independent professionals.

Actual Institute Elcano

The mission of the Actual Institute Elcano is contribute to the elaboration of innovative replies, solid, inclusivas and given information on the overall challenges and its governance, and on the role of Spain in the world, with special attention to our possession to the European partnership. This alliance strengthens our commitment with the active involvement in shared interest and international outreach projects.

Madrid Press Association

We contribute to APM's First Employment Programme by collaborating with the most important and significant media companies to facilitate the first job for young graduates in Information Science (Journalism) from any Spanish university.

Financial and Digital Classroom

A financial and digital education platform that seeks to improve the personal finances of everyone.

Observatorio de Inclusión Financiera

A website that includes the commitments made and the solutions proposed by the banking sector to guarantee access to banking services for the entire Spanish people, paying special attention to rural areas and vulnerable groups.

Internet Day

CECA is a member of the Internet Day Promotion Committee, made up of national organisations of recognised prestige that are particularly interested and involved in promoting the development and good use of the Internet and new technologies.

Digital pact of the Spanish Data Protection Agency for the protection of individuals

CECA has joined the Digital Pact for the Protection of Individuals, launched by the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD), an initiative that is part of the Agency's Social Responsibility and Sustainability Framework and promotes a broad agreement for the coexistence of citizens in the digital realm.