Monitoring report on measures to improve personalised care for the elderly or people with disabilities

On signing the Protocol, the banking associations also undertook the commitment to produce a biannual monitoring report on the measures implemented, which they are complying with through the publication of this report.
Although these reports include figures for the Spanish financial sector as a whole, the success and responsibility of financial institutions towards this group of customers has been proven in the individual measures implemented.

View the executive summary with the monitoring data as at 7 March 2023.

View the full report with the monitoring data as at 7 March 2023.

View the 65+ satisfaction survey as at 3 March 2023.

View the monitoring data as at 19 September 2022.


Strategic protocol to reinforce the social and sustainable commitment of the banking sector

The financial sector has always had very close links to society. Since its inception, the banking sector has a long history of supporting society through diverse actions, including, among others, support for the education of young people and the elderly, investment in historical and cultural heritage and the constant promotion and financing of initiatives to aid the development and integration of the most
disadvantaged groups.

In July 2021 CECA and AEB signed the "Strategic protocol to reinforce the social and sustainable commitment of the banking sector," a document that is committed to promoting among its entities a series of principles of action to reinforce their support for society and channel it through specific measures.

– Consult the Strategic protocol to reinforce the social and sustainable commitment of the banking sector.



In February 2022, CECA and AEB signed the update of the Protocol, agreeing on a modification of action principle 5 on measures to promote financial inclusion. Unacc adheres to the commitments established in this updated action principle.

– Consult the update of the Protocol.



The consolidated document of the "Strategic protocol to reinforce the social and sustainable commitment of the banking sector" was published in March 2022, which includes the first protocol, signed in July 2021, and the February 2022 update which, signed by CECA, AEB and UNACC, includes the new wording agreed for action principle 5 on measures to promote financial inclusion.

– Consult the consolidated document of the Protocol.