Near period of great consumer spending of the year, the online purchases are positioned as the second most common operation in Spain with the digital banking, according to a study of CECA

Four of each ten polled daily use banking digital service channels

Eight of each ten users of digital service channels consider serious the threat of cyberattacks, but only one half believes probable to be direct casualty

With respect to the knowledge of the cybersecurity, six of each ten recognise have limited notions, a lack that is emphasised especially between women and people over 65

In a world where the e-commerce moves forward by leaps and bounds, some dates are had become authentic epicentres of the digital consumer spending and of the onlinetransactions . Events as the Black Friday or the Christmas holidays are positioned between the moments of great consumer spending and are increasingly the buyers that they choose the digital service channels to carry out its purchases. However, these dates, that they register peaks in online consumer spending , also are had become ideal stage for the proliferation of cyberfrauds and criminal offences digital, putting on the rack the security of users.

The impact of this phenomenon is evident: the online purchases are had become the second most common bank transaction in Spain (26%), only exceeded by the balance enquiry and banking movements (36%). In the third place, are situated the payments via Bizum (22%), with special relevance between the youngest ones. This is one of the conclusions of the survey of ‘Cybersecurity and habits of digital’service channel use, elaborated by CECA in collaboration with Sigma Two, that analyses the behaviour, the knowledge and habits of use of the digital service channels; customer exposure and protective measures against cyberattacks; and users' assessment of the initiatives taken by banks to tackle cybercrime.

In a marked stage for the accelerated digitisation and the constant new technologies integration in the financial sector, the users of the digital banking observe with increasing interest the threat of the cyberattacks. Thus, the average perception of the risk of being casualty of a cyberattack is placed at 8.3 on 10, and 85.9% qualifies them as serious, giving them a rating above 7. Despite this collective perception, only one half of the ones polled believes probable to be direct casualty of a cyberfraud, reflecting an apparent disconnection between the consciousness of the risk and the perception of vulnerability on a personal level.

Similarly, before the constant evolution of the technology, the company has been also witness of the boom of the cyberattacks unfolded through social engineering techniques, that is, anyone who exploit the human error instead of a breach of computer security. The most feared methods include the suspected messages received by e-mail, SMS or WhatsApp, pointed out by 73% of the ones polled; the false calls in the name of legitimate companies or companies, with 42%; and attempts of contact for social networks, that they worry to 35%.


The banking organisations as a reliable pillar in the digital world

In an outlook where the digitisation transforms the day by day of million people, the traditional banking organisations are consolidated as a reliable pillar for the management and personal data protection in the digital service channels. Thus it demonstrates the study, that gives to these institutions an average score of 7.5 on 10 in reliable terms, ahead even of the Public administrations. In addition, three of each four users consider as good or very good the security measures implemented by its banks and savings banks.

The use of the digital banking has reached historic levels, becoming an indispensable tool for the daily operations. Four of each ten polled access these platforms every day , and 88% it does at least once a week. In this environment, 84% of users states feel insurance when operating with its digital banking.

The perception of security is not limited to the everyday use, but instead that also reflects a recognition towards the initiatives of banking organisations. 78% of the ones polled recognises that its inyougive worries for its financial data' security and staffs, and three of each four polled are shown satisfied or very satisfied with measures of adopted cybersecurity for its bank or savings bank. In addition, before a fraud, the banking organisations are considered the better prepared actors for the protection before possible frauds financial in Internet, followed by bodies of security of the State and the Public administrations; this opinion is emphasised in the sectors poblacionales of more advanced age. In fact, this reliable relationship between users and banking organisations is done especially evident in situations of vulnerability. The majority of the ones polled prioritises the direct contact with its company when detecting a suspected activity in its accounts, and anyone who have suffered a cyberfraud qualify with a notable (7.2 of average) the attention received.


The breach in knowledge of cybersecurity: a key challenge in the digital age

The lack of knowledge in cybersecurity continues being one of the biggest challenges in the digital age. According to the study, six of each Spanish ten recognise have limited notions in this matter, this lack affects especially to women and people over 65. In fact, despite the efforts of banking organisations to inform about protective measures before cyberattacks, 20% of the ones polled believes wrongly that its bank would be able to request him user and password keys via email, SMS, WhatsApp or phone calls.

Faced with a dearth of knowledge on cybersecurity, banks are committed to creating and disseminating content with the firm intention of promoting, encouraging and offering their customers the necessary tools to reduce their exposure to cyberfraud. Thus, 85% of the ones polled recognises receive this youpo of communications by its bank, but only 54% states provide him attention. Broken down by age, the younger population is the least responsive to this type of communication (only 33% take it into account), while those aged 65 and over are more receptive (67% take it into account).

Despite the scant knowledge, 65% of the ones polled considers that enough measured takeover to protect its digital security, a figure that goes up at 86% between who state have solid notions in cybersecurity. Between the most common work experience programs emphasise the activation of notifications to alert on movements in the account, the use of biometric details to access applications and the active protection of the passwords through its periodic update.

The figures reassert the need of qualifying to the different communities in digital responsibilities, necessary to manage effectively its personal finances. For the sector CECA - represents to CaixaBank, Kutxabank and Cajasur Bank, ABANCA, Unicaja, Ibercaja Bank, Caixa Ontinyent, Colonya Pollença and Cecabank, and to more than thirty foundations - the training in financial and abilities knowledge digital is an absolute priority. Which does that is positioned as one of the largest investors in financial education in Spain, with a resource of nearly 18 million euros in the last six years. In 2023, allocated more than 2.58 million euros to more than about a hundred programmes, that they reached to 34 million payees.