Via a banking model at the service of the people, the sector CECA demonstrates an unshakeable commitment with the economic and social development in pursuit of a fairer company, inclusiva and egalitarian.

Build a responsible banking is more than a commitment financiero; it is a mission that looks for transform lives and promote a company more inclusiva, where every person has access to worthy and fair economic opportunities.

Low this premise was born in 1924 the great banking association of the world, the Worldwide Savings Banks Institute and Retail Banks (WSBI, by its initials in English). This initiative, a pioneer in the sector, suited the bases of the social banking and person in charge; a differential model, concentrating on the people, that prioritises the balance between the return and the social impact. Today, is a crucial global network for the economic growth, the finanzas sustainable, the filantropía and the inclusion financiera.

The work of the companies of the WSBI goes beyond being institutions financieras. They emphasise for its deep commitment with the social responsibility, a quality that is part of its identity and that it distinguishes them of other institutions of the sector financiero.

Currently, the WSBI represents to more than 6,400 savings banks and retail banks of 78 countries all over the world, that they possess a total of 13.25 trillion dollars of balance sheet, give employment to 2.1 million people and they attend to 1,700 million clients.

In Spain, CECA - the association that represents to CaixaBank, Kutxabank and Cajasur Bank, ABANCA, Unicaja, Ibercaja Bank, Caixa Ontinyent, Colonya Pollença and Cecabank and to more than thirty foundations - was summed to the initiative from the first moment of its birth, in 1928. Since then, has maintained a close relationship with the WSBI and an outstanding representation in its governing bodies and working groups.

Under the leadership of its chairman, Isidro Fainé, that also holds the presidency of CECA and of the Fundación “la Caixa ”, the WSBI has expanded its influencia all over the world, as an exchange broker in favour of the progress and of a su stainable future and inclusivo, with a special dedication to the reduction of the poverty and to the educational advance.
CECA represents perfectly this social banking model and person in charge, and assumes, increasingly, a significant international function thanks to WSBI. Thus, the Obra Social, soul of the sector CECA, is a worldwide performance benchmark with regard to social investment, filantropía and solidarity.

In the same line and with the aim of spreading its social commitment to international level, last April, the WSBI constituted the Social and Philanthropic Board, under the presidency of Isidro Fainé. This organisation will channel the investment of members of the WSBI towards initiatives that they strengthen to the communities and they tackle the most urgent social requirements.
In fact, the companies of the WSBI allocate annually 3,500 million dollars to social initiatives all around the world.