CECA member entities, which are bound by the Savings Banks and Financial Institutions Collective Bargaining Agreement, have today signed the agreement under the terms of the pre-agreement reached on 12 March.

The document contemplates an 11% increase in salaries over three years (5% in 2024, 3% in 2025 and 3% in 2026), plus a one-off additional payment in 2024 of €1,000 for each employee. These improvements are recognition of the work and commitment shown by the staff, which is necessary to address the future of the sector.

The agreement has been signed by 86% of the trade union representation through FINE, CCOO and UGT.

The agreement will apply until 2026, and provides stability for the more than 55,000 staff of CaixaBank, Unicaja, ABANCA, Ibercaja Banco, Caixa Ontinyent, Caixa Pollença and Cecabank.