A total of 22 initiatives were honoured at this event

For the first time, an honorary award was presented for social initiatives with an international trajectory, which was awarded to Fundación Grupo Social de Colombia.

Since 2014, CECA's member entities have invested close to €7 billion in Obra Social, the largest private social investment in Spain

CECA, the association chaired by Isidro Fainé and comprising CaixaBank, Kutxabank and Cajasur Banco, Abanca, Unicaja Banco, Ibercaja Banco, Caixa Ontinyent, Colonya Pollença and Cecabank, as well as its associated foundations, today presented the initiatives honoured at the CECA Obra Social and Financial Education Awards 2022, held at its head office. The event seeks to recognise and disseminate projects that excel in their commitment to society and the improvement of financial literacy. With a total of 71 nominations, 22 awards were presented in ten categories and two special awards. The members of the jury include renowned experts from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, Bank of Spain, National Securities Market Commission, Fundación Lealtad, Spainsif, Complutense University of Madrid, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Funcas and El Confidencial.

In the field of Obra Social, awards were presented in the following categories: Social Action, Culture and Heritage, Sport and Leisure, Local Development and Job Creation, Education and Research, and Environment. With regard to Financial Education, the categories established were: Children and Young People (0-25 years of age), Adults (26-65 years of age), Elderly (65+ years of age) and Entrepreneurs. A special jury award was also presented in each field.


Initiatives honoured

Obra Social Category

Social Action

1st. Fundación Caja Navarre. Unforgettable

2nd. Fundación Unicaja. Connected elderly people


Culture and Heritage

1st. Fundación “la Caixa ”. Caixaforum

2nd. Fundación Ibercaja. Ibercaja Pintura Joven Award


Sport and leisure

1st. Fundación Unicaja. Fundación Unicaja Campus

2nd. Fundación Vital Fundazioa. Deportivity Programme


Local Development and Job Creation

1st. Fundación Ávila. Skylab

2nd. Prize. Fundación La Caja de Canarias. Gastro-employment


Education and Research

1st. Fundación Caja Extremadura. Scellentia. Fundación Prizes Caja Extremadura to young investigators in life sciences and the health

2nd. Fundación Vital Fundazioa. Guidelines for the promotion of mental health and prevention of teenage suicide



1st. Afundación, Obra Social ABANCA. "PLANCTON" Programme

2nd. Fundación Montemadrid. Cultivate Friendship


Special Jury Award for Obra Social

Fundación “la Caixa”. "Family needs Family" Campaign


Financial Education Category

Children and Young People (0-25 years of age)

1st. CaixaBank. ImaginAcademy

2nd. Fundación Cajasol. Escape Room, Savings


Adults (26-65 years of age)

1st. CaixaBank. Financial education programme "Mucho por hacer" (Much to do)

2nd. Fundación Cajasol. Financial Mondays


Seniors (65+)

1st. Project Edufinet (Unicaja Bank and Fundación Banking Unicaja). Financial and digital education workshops for the elderly

2nd. ABANCA, Afundación Obra Social ABANCA. Rural financial training and digitalisation programme



1st. Fundación Ibercaja. Rural Entrepreneurship Awards

2nd. Fundación Caja Extremadura. SamaraCamp


Special Jury Award for Financial Education

Fundación Ibercaja. Learning to be an Entrepreneur


Promoting socially responsible banking internationally

CECA is an active member of the World Savings and Retail Banking Institute (WSBI) and the European Savings and Retail Banking Group (ESBG), international associations with a deep sense of social responsibility and a business model in which priority is given to financial inclusion and the development of Obra Social initiatives.

With this in mind, CECA has promoted an honorary award in collaboration with WSBI, which was presented for the first time in this edition. The award seeks to highlight the value of social initiatives with international trajectory undertaken by WSBI's member entities. On this occasion, the award was bestowed on Fundación Grupo Social de Colombia.The institution, a foundation focused on social development with more than 100 years of history, distinguishes itself for its contribution to overcoming the structural causes of poverty in Colombia and its contribution to the construction of a just, supportive, productive and peaceful society.

During the event, Isidro Fainé, Chairman of Fundación "la Caixa", CECA and the World Savings and Retail Banking Institute (WSBI), highlighted in his speech: "I am convinced of the importance and the need to raise awareness of Obra Social all around the world and I believe there is no better channel than to take advantage of the infrastructure offered by the World Savings and Retail Banking Institute, which represents more than 7,000 retail banks and savings banks, present in more than 60 countries", to which he added: "We believe it is appropriate to recognise in these awards the social work that is also being undertaken in other countries, not only as a platform for all, but also as an exchange of knowledge and good practices".

José María Méndez, CEO of CECA, then presented the international award to Juan Carlos Gómez Villegas, Chairman of Fundación Grupo Social de Colombia, who emphasised: "For Fundación Grupo Social it is an honour to be recognised with this important distinction because since its creation 112 years ago, this is a foundation that owns companies and not companies that own a foundation. Companies are Obra Social in themselves and not simply the source of funding for social activity. The social aspect of business management should take place in the management itself and not after it has taken place and when dividends are distributed".


Obra Social and financial education, catalysts for social inclusion in Spain

The CECA sector's Obra Social has become a fundamental pillar of the welfare state, illustrating its essential role as the backbone of society. Following the approval of Spanish Law 26/2013 on Savings Banks and Banking Foundations, Obra Social has invested close to €7 billion in the development of more than 849,000 activities, consolidating its position as the leading private social investor in Spain.

During 2022, investment in Obra Social by CECA's member entities totalled €800 million, benefiting more than 32 million people, especially vulnerable groups.

In addition, CECA member entities oversee programmes that work to improve financial literacy among society, a key pillar for economic and financial stability and development. Last year, investment in programmes to improve financial literacy and digital skills amounted to €2.23 million.

Over the last five years, the total investment undertaken by the CECA sector in financial education has totalled €15.37 million, and of this, €10.9 million was allocated to the 'Funcas Financial Education Stimulus Programme (Funcas Educa)'. These figures consolidate CECA's position as the largest investor in financial education in Spain.

CECA, as a member of the Global Compact together with its member entities and foundations, contributes to promoting and fostering the Sustainable Development Goals. As a result of this partnership, it promotes quality education, decent employment, economic growth, the reduction of inequalities, and local development, among others.

Obra Social continues to operate in society as a transforming agent through its programmes geared towards the most vulnerable groups. Thanks to its capillarity and capacity to adapt to each moment, Obra Social is able to reach all the territories in which these entities have a presence.