Have been awarded a prize 22 initiatives that they emphasise for its contribution to the social development and the improvement of the financial culture of the company
The minister of Economy, Trade and Company, Carlos Cuerpo, has carried out the opening of the Prizes CECA of Obra Social and Financial Education
In this edition, the honorific prize to the international social path has been granted to the Fundación Fund Cultural Bancatlan of Honduras
The companies associated with CECA have invested in Obra Social more than 7,800 million euros during the last ten years, the private social further investment of Spain
The association CECA, chaired by Isidro Fainé and composed of CaixaBank, Kutxabank and Cajasur Bank, ABANCA, Unicaja, Ibercaja Bank, Caixa Ontinyent, Colonya Pollença and Cecabank, as well as for more than thirty foundations, has presented today the award-winning initiatives in the Prizes CECA of Obra Social and Financial Education 2024, held in the Actual Casino of Madrid with Carlos's presence Cuerpo, minister of Economy, Trade and Company.
The meeting recognises and promotes projects that they emphasise for its commitment to society and the improvement of the financial culture. With a total of 62 candidacies, have been delivered 22 prizes in ten categories and two special prizes. Between the members of the jury emphasise recognised experts from the Ministry of the Economy, Trade and Company, Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores, Fundación Lealtad, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas (National Cancer Research Centre), Funcas and The Confidential one.
For the minister of Economy, Trade and Company, Carlos Cuerpo: «Is necessary to follow driving the financial education because it is a fundamental instrument for the suitable decision making by the citizens, especially by the young; it allows taking out talent and promote the enterprise; have a great economic knowledge and improve the financial»inclusion.
Furthermore, the Managing Director of CECA, José María Méndez, has highlighted: “Build a responsible banking is more than a financial commitment, is a mission whose objective is transform lives and promote a company more inclusiva where every person has access to worthy” and fair economic opportunities to which it has added: “From the sector CECA have reasons more than justified to proclaim that we are something more that mere financial institutions; with our stock, drive the social change and provide the human progress, doing how much is in our hand to help to the most disadvantaged sections of society ”.
In the field of Obra Social, awards were presented in the following categories: Social Action, Culture and Heritage, Sport and Leisure, Local Development and Job Creation, Education and Research, and Environment. With regard to Financial Education, the categories established were: Children and Young People (0-25 years of age), Adults (26-65 years of age), Elderly (65+ years of age) and Entrepreneurs. A special jury award was also presented in each field.
Initiatives honoured
Obra Social Category
Social Action
1st. Fundación “la Caixa ”. Programme of attention to the Always Accompanied”loneliness «
2nd. Fundación Caja Navarre. “Preview health”, app that transforms the mentally disabled people' health attention
Culture and Heritage
1st. CATTLE RANCHES. Restaurant services of the façades and House outside elements Ankle boots
2nd. Fundación Circle of Burgos. Exhibition 30 years in the file of the cathedral of Burgos
Sport and leisure
1st. Fundación CajaCanarias. Project Relay
2nd. Fundación Caja Rioja. 50th Fundación Tournament Caja Rioja of Ball
Local Development and Job Creation
1st. Fundación Ibercaja. Young space of Fundación Ibercaja
2nd. Fundación Unicaja. FEM CODERS MÁLAGA. BOOTCAMP development Website Fullstack to profit of the Association SUBURB-AID
Education and Research
1st. Fundación Ibercaja. Prizes Educate for the Future
2nd. Fundación Vital Fundazioa. HIBRIDALAB, Open and Transfer Innovation centre Creative of Álava
1st. Afundación, Obra Social ABANCA. Education for the sustainability
2nd. Fundación Ibercaja. Mobility City
Special Jury Award for Obra Social
Fundación “la Caixa”. Line of aids for the research of minority illnesses paediatric with the Hospital Sant Joan of Deu
Financial Education Category
Children and Young People (0-25 years of age)
1st. ABANCA. Put your money to except for
2nd. Kutxabank. Finances for life
Adults (26-65 years of age)
1st. CaixaBank. Financial education program Positive Balance sheet
2nd. Unicaja and Fundación Unicaja (Edufinet). Short videos of financial education
Seniors (65+)
1st. Unicaja and Fundación Unicaja (Edufinet). Meeting for great and Project Ambassadors
2nd. Fundación Cajasol. Applied finances
1st. Fundación Caja Extremadura. Corolla, the network of social entities of Extremadura
2nd. Fundación Cajasol. Finances for entrepreneurs
Special Jury Award for Financial Education
Unicaja and Fundación Unicaja (Edufinet). Financial Education centre Salamanca
Leading the banking socially responsible to international level
CECA is an active member of the World Savings and Retail Banking Institute (WSBI) and the European Savings and Retail Banking Group (ESBG), international associations with a deep sense of social responsibility and a business model in which priority is given to financial inclusion and the development of Obra Social initiatives.
In this line, CECA last year drove a honorific prize in collaboration with WSBI with the aim of highlighting social initiatives with international path developed by companies associated with WSBI. In this edition, the recognition has been granted to the Fundación Fund Cultural Bancatlan of Honduras. The Bank Atlantis, with 111 years of existence, emphasises for a deep social meaning of responsibility when generating a positive impact in the Honduran company and strengthen overall alliances that they allow to different organisations of the country contribute to the achievement of the ODS of United Nations. Through the support to the art and the culture, look for new ways of promoting the assets and national talent and, via the social investment, the corporate voluntary work and the education, develop and they implement strategic programmes that cause a genuine change in the companies more vulnerable of the country. The Fundación Fund Cultural Bancatlan was born as an initiative of the Board Of directors of the Bank Atlantis in 1976, with the aim of channelling its assets and effort towards the support of initiatives with educational ends, cultural, mulberry trees, civic, of benefaction and sport.
José María Méndez, CECA's Managing Director, has delivered the international prize to Faustino Laínez, the Fundación's Fund chairman Cultural Bancatlan, who has highlighted: “Espresso my deep gratitude to CECA and to the WSBI for so honrosa distinction to the postulate us to the Social category ‘Initiative and International’History, recognising our vision and work”.
Obra Social and financial education of the sector CECA, performance benchmarks in inclusion
The Obra Social is the collection of activities of character charity-social that they develop today the foundations and savings banks associated with CECA. Between these, emphasise above all those of welfare character, but also the ones regarding the education, research, cultural promotion, creation of employment and protection of the environment.
The Obra Social is had become a fundamental pillar of the welfare state insofar as attends those needs that, generally, can not be tackled by the public sector or, of being, are looked after in a basic way given the complexities that they restrict in many cases the public policies. Thus, the Obra Social of the sector CECA set up is had as an essential tool to achieve a fairer company and inclusiva.
From the approval of the Act 26/2013 of Banking Savings Banks and Foundations, the Obra Social has invested more than 7,800 million euros in the development of more than 930,000 activities, consolidating as the first social investor private of Spain.
During 2023, the investment in Obra Social of the companies associated with CECA exceeded the 850 million euros, reaching to more than 30 million payees, especially to the vulnerable groups.
In addition, CECA member entities oversee programmes that work to improve financial literacy among society, a key pillar for economic and financial stability and development. Last year, the investment in programmes to improve the financial knowledge and the digital abilities of all the groups ascended to 2.58 million euros, 50% more than the previous year.
In the last six years, the total investment destined from the sector CECA to financial education has reached nearly 18 million euros, of which 12.8 millions correspond to the ‘Programme Funcas of Stimulus of the Financial Education (Funcas Educates)’. These figures consolidate to the sector CECA as one of the largest investors in financial education of Spain.