The associated companies reassert its commitment with the damnified and they drive, together with private authorities and sector, solutions that they allow speeding up the return to the normality.

Before the difficult financial status, social and staff caused by the recent step of the DANA for Valencia and other areas of the country, that it has generated serious property damages and affected to thousands of people, the companies associated with CECA (CaixaBank, Kutxabank and Cajasur Bank, ABANCA, Unicaja, Ibercaja Bank, Caixa Ontinyent, Colonya Pollença, Cecabank and more than thirty foundations) have put in motion a broad measures package with which back to the damnified. These stock, set aside for relieve the situation of citizens and the damaged businesses, are summed to other back-up initiatives in collaboration with the Government and various public and private companies.

On 4 November, CECA, together with the banking associations AEB and Unacc, announced the implementation of a moratorium of until three months, expandable, for the loans of individuals, self-employed workers and small businesses affected by the floods. A proposal that it went presented before the Ministry of the Economy, Trade and Company, with the aim that is articulated legally as soon as possible. In addition, is being worked in collaboration with the Instituto de Crédito Oficial (ICO) to design a plan of action that it contributes to mitigate the economic consequences of this disaster.

Are being applied moratoria for the loans of self-employed workers, SMEs and individuals

Additionally put in motion extraordinary lines of financingare had, complemented by a special line set aside for the agro-food sector, one of the more hit by the floods. With these measures, is looked for give liquidity and support to the farmers and small-scale entrepreneurs affected by the storm.

Similarly, boosted a line of advances is had of the aids governmental, that will be available both for individuals and for self-employed workers, and it will allow obtaining financing while they arrive the official aid. Own companies are already collaborating with the insurers to expedite the procedure of indemnities and they are providing priority help line to the damnified, guaranteeing an agile and efficient reply.

In parallel, the banking organisations announced the exemption from fees for the dropped out of cash in ATMs and for the maintenance of Sales point Terminals (POS) in businesses of the affected areas, providing thus the operations of these businesses. In addition, put in motion Oficina Móvil' operations are had that are providing the financial attention in the areas more affected.

Foundations of the sector CECA are driving initiatives via the Obra Social

Social commitment

The solidarity of the sector CECA is reflected also in the creation of platforms to attract donations, offering an agile and transparent service channel for anyone who wish collaborate with the damnified. These aids are channelled via non-governmental organisations (NGO), that they act such as intermediaries and they distribute funds of efficient way between the people and communities more affected by the DANA, ensuring that they arrive at who more it need.

Besides the purely financial stock, foundations of the sector CECA are carrying out another type of initiatives via the Obra Social , that plays a very relevant role in the recovery of the affected areas, not only in an immediate way, but also to middle and long term. Some examples are the distribution of foodstuffs, the allocation of emergency and water kits, the support to people schools and associations with special needs, and the psychologist teams displacement specialised for the management of the mourning. The sector CECA works with private authorities and sector to promote solutions that they allow speeding up the recovery and the reestablecimiento of the normality.