The survey ‘Cybersecurity and service channel use habits digital’, elaborated by CECA, shows that the majority of users enquiry and carries out bank transactions in a digital way. The companies send communications with advice and warnings before possible frauds.

The cyberattacks are a big concern for the town. The survey Cybersecurity and service channel use habits digital, elaborated by CECA in collaboration with Sigma Two, has demonstrated that for 85.9% of the ones polled the gravity of this threat punctuates above 7 on 10, with about 8.3 of average.
That is, the people is aware of the danger derived from the online administrative steps. However, only one half thinks that it can be casualty of an attack of this kind. Which means that 50% believes that the cyberattacks are a danger, but that it does not go them to happen.
Despite it, 6 out of 10 trial participants recognises that lacks the suitable knowledge to address a situation of this style. With everything, only 65% of who participated in the survey of CECA (association that represents to CaixaBank, Kutxabank and CajaSur Bank, ABANCA, Unicaja, Ibercaja Bank, Caixa Ontinyent, Colonya Pollença and Cecabank, and to more than thirty foundations) thinks that enough protective measures takeover. The measures that more usually put on in practice are: update the devices (57%) and the apps (50%), as well as the activation of the antivirus (37%), avoiding the use of public networks.


Of the ones polled, 4 out of 10 use banking digital service channels every day; a figure that ascends to 9 out of 10 that they consult them in a weekly way. These service channels are used especially to consult the balance or movements of the account, as well as to carry out online purchases. The people under 30 years old use them mostly to do Bizum.
This use asiduo of the digital service channels is backed for a high confidence level of the users in the security that offers the digital banking operations. Thus, 84% of the ones polled stated feel insurance when operate with its digital banking. By contrast with other digital service suppliers, the banks are the companies in which more trust when manage and protect its details, followed by the Public Administration. In this same ranking, the social networks were in last position


The bank details are very delicate before a cyberattack. For this reason, the banking organisations worry of constant way for telling to its clients of possible frauds.
Between the initiatives emphasise the communications warning to clients of the techniques of the cybercriminals and remembering the security measures that they have at your disposal. However, even though 85% of participants in the survey of CECA recognises receive these messages, only 54% them provides attention.
Despite all these efforts of the companies to inform about protective measures before cyberattacks, 20% of the ones polled believe wrongly that its bank or savings bank can contact them and request keys and passwords via suspected or so-called mails fraudulent. This disavowal is a risk since are these the most common modes by criminals. 73% of participants had received suspected contacts by e-mail, SMS or Whatsapp, to 35% had contacted them strangers for nets and 42% had received false calls. As a prevention, is significant to activate notifications of movements or access with biometric details.
Before this type of situations, 78% of the people polled feels that its banking organisation worries for its security and 3 out of 4 are shown satisfied with its adopted cybersecurity measures for the companies. In addition, victims of cyberfraud approve with notable the attention received by its bank or savings bank before this conjuncture. The sum of these factors does that the users consider to the banking organisations the better prepared actors to confront this problem.


Sometimes is talked of the digital gap as one of the major dangers before the cybercriminals. However, the survey that has elaborated CECA in collaboration with Sigma Two shows that 28% of the young between 18 and 29 years believe by mistake that its bank can contact them for service channels not officers to request them personal details.
In addition, the young are those which less case do to the notifications issued by the banking organisations (33%) when dealing with the people over 65 years old, that they are those which are more attentive (67%).
The digital natives, when being familiarised with the technological progress, have a relationship 100% digital with its bank, which does more significant its financial and digital education to avoid risks and frauds in online operations.