The Shapeless Education Executive body Financial 2023 collects the more than 6,000 activities to use in the environment of the finances to level user and remain to except for of the frauds
We are going to contract a mortgage. What mean the TIN and the APR? I i pose saving. What has see the inflation with my purchasing power and what supposes that a product of investment gives me a return of 2% annual, when the CPI is of 3%? I am going to buy a car in installments. What me compensates more, taking into account my incomes and my estimate of expenditure, pay higher bills or choose ‘comfortable monthly payments’ during a longer period of time?
These are some matters on the management of our purchasing skills that afternoon or early are going to find in our life. Far from being only for who know of finances, for that matter condition the availability of money from each and every one of we. The above-mentioned in a clear way: know use us to level user in the slang of the finances will do that the money – our money – spreads us more or less. But, where and with who learn it?
Aware of that know unwrap with fluency between those economic concepts is essential for the people' financial well-being and of the homes, the companies associated with CECA (CaixaBank, Kutxabank and CajaSur Bank, ABANCA, Unicaja, Ibercaja Bank, Caixa Ontinyent, Colonya Pollença and Cecabank, and more than thirty foundations) promote, thanks to its capillarity and knowledge, programmes all over the country to promote the financial education of all the groups. Only in 2023 invested 2.58 million euros, twice as much as in the previous year, which turns to the sector CECA in one of the largest investors in financial education in Spain. An ambitious collected proposal in the Shapeless Executive body of Financial Education 2023, thanks to which boosted are had more than 100 programmes aimed at strengthen the financial education in Spain and distributed in 6,362 activities.
A subject where there is a lot for doing
The initiative charges everything its meaning when we check that the Spanish suspend in essential financial knowledge. It is the severe conclusion of the last Monitor of Financial Culture made by the European Commission and where our country is the fourth one for the tail in the handling of concepts so apparently simple as though we think it to us twice before buying in installments, or how much it would be necessary to save a year to have a reasonable mattress when arriving the retirement. These are some type questions test that were formulated to citizens of all the member countries and that only 19% of our compatriots approved successfully, when dealing with the almost 40% of Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark and Estonia. In a worrying polar type, almost 1 out of 3 of the ones polled demonstrated a low training in these issues.
Have little clearing how use the money leaves to most of the town in a situation of vulnerability financial. The thing is complicated when the progressive and fast one is added digitisation of our finances, the multiplicity of fee-based systems, the criptomonedas, the insurance and some increasingly fine cybercriminals when attack us with frauds. That is why, from the financial education plan of the sector CECA, almost a third of the budget (27.68%) hones in on the saving, the expenditure and how manage our budgets. Other matters that also are tackled are the sustainability, digitisation and cybersecurity (19.78%); products and services of investment (15.52%); banking products and services (13.43%); insurance (10.48%); and rural enterprise and world (7.37%).
Above all, form to the vulnerable groups
The companies associated with CECA are aware of these needs and via its programmes implement initiatives aimed at different generations and groups, with the aim of having a curriculum adapted to the demands of each group and attend to its needs with great agility. Similarly, with the aim of contributing to speed up the advances towards an economy inclusiva, the sector CECA takes years developing a broad measures battery that drives the financial and digital education in the company, especially in rural environments and for groups at risk of exclusion.
The centennials (born with the turn of the century) and the generation alpha (born in the first few years of the decade of 2010) are defined as digital natives. They get around such as fishes in the water with the mobile devices and they are accustomed to the digital payments. However, are not armoured when dealing with the fraud. The speed and irreversibility of lots of these of these transactions leaves them at the expense of the trickery of cybercriminals without are aware of it until is afternoon. So that they take conscience of the possibilities, but also of the risks of these new technologies, 59% of the investment (1.51 million euros) was allocated to projects directed to people under 25 years old.
The sector CECA is aware of that it is fundamental that the older people go improving its digital training level, but also its financial knowledge. For this reason, in 2023, a growth was registered in the investment in programmes set aside for the group sénior of more than 24%. In addition, the activities directed to this group were increased more than 48%, registering more than 3.6 million payees of one of its more than 2,200 activities. Some, digital, but lots theirs, initiatives in person throughout everything the territory.
Reduce the social breach with regard to finances
The unavoidable digitisation offers clear advantages, but also poses specific problems in especially vulnerable groups. With the decided vocation of not leaving to nobody back, within the budget for the promotion of the financial culture of 2023 special interest has been provided to specific groups: people at risk of social exclusion (47%), followed by the people with special needs (28.21%) and of the training programmes for entrepreneurs (24.78%). In total, 1.34 million euros set aside for taking the financial education to those citizens with great predisposition to be unprotected in the event of suffering an of financial blow so that they learn to take well-chosen financial decisions.
The sum of all these trainings empodera to the company as a whole. It allows having competent citizens with its finances, free to choose and aware of the implications of its decision making. Because the money – our money – is not a game.